Sri Lanka - The Gem Island


The gem riches of Sri Lanka have been legendary for centuries. One of the earliest descriptions is that of Nearchus, who in 334 B.C. mentioned an island not far from Persia where beautiful translucent gems had been found. Without a doubt, this island was the present Sri Lanlza. Much later, at the beginning of the 16th century, Portuguese sailors discovered the island and returned to Europe with some of its gemstones; seamen from Holland did the same some hundred years later.

Over the centuries, tens-probably hundreds-of thousands of carats of fine sapphire, ruby, chrysoberyl, spinel, and other familiar as well as unusual gemstones have been mined in Sri Lanka. Yet many questions con- tinue to surround the geology of the deposits, and mining methods remain, for the most part, very primitive. During the course of the author's eight trips to Sri Lanlza, he has traveled all over the country and inspected the major mining areas-beginning in 1958 with the his- torically important Ratnapura area and completing most recently, in February and November of 1981, a study of the newer Tissamaharama area.

The author has drawn from his experiences and in- vestigations to provide this overview of the geology of Sri Lanlza and its mining and cutting practices, as well as spe- cial features of the various gem materials found there. Also examined are inclusions characteristic of Sri Lankan gemstones and production figures for the area.


Sri Lanka is one of the most important localities for gem- stones in the world. Almost all of these gems, however, occur in alluvial deposits, and their original source re- mains unknown today.

A geologic slzetchmap (figure 1) shows that the island is almost entirely underlain by Precambrian roclzs. These roclzs can be divided into threegroups based on their lith- ology, structure, and age, as described below.

The oldest unit on the island is the Highland group, which contains rocks of the metamorphic granulite facies, such as hypersthene gneisses (charnoclzites),sillimanite-garnet gneisses (lzhon- dalites), biotite-garnet gneisses, and marbles in which forsterite and spinel occur. Most of the gem deposits are located within this group.

The second unit is the Vijayan complex. This unit is characterized by rocks of the almandite amphibolite facies, such as biotite-hornblende gneisses.

The overlying Southwest group consists of roclzs that belong to the cordierite-granulite facies. It contains both cordierite gneisses and khondalites.

Although most of these roclzs, as well as nu- merous pegmatites found throughout the coun- try, contain gem materials, it is remarkable that few of the minerals found thus far in situ are of gem quality. Yet numerous alluvial deposits on the island contain pebbles of the same gem min- erals, many of which are of gem quality. There is no doubt that the latter originated in roclzs not far from their present localities, but up to now the host roclzs have not been found.

It would be particularly interesting to estab- lish the original source of blue sapphire, the most important gemstone in Sri Lanka. The only lznown location of gem-quality blue sapphire in situ is in a pegmatite located near Kolonne in the Ratna- pura district, where the blue sapphire is found to- gether with diopside (Gunaratne, 1976).The only other gemstones found in host rock are moon- stone, which occurs in Meetiyagoda, near Galle, and some almandite garnet, which occurs in sev- eral places throughout the island.


As mentioned above, almost all of the gem-qual- ity minerals from Sri Lanlza occur in alluvial de- posits; the main gem-bearing area is the Ratna- pura district in Sabaragamuwa Province, some 97 lzm (60 miles) southeast of Colombo. The gems are concentrated in more-or-less horizontal layers at different depths in the all~ivi~im,which con- sists primarily of sand and gravel. The most no- table localities are Ratnapura (the name means 'city of gems"), Pelmad~illa, Balangoda, and Rakwana.

Similar deposits are found near Elahera in the Central Province, in particular in the valley of the Kaluganga River. Here, the gem minerals are not concentrated in specific levels, but are almost uniformly distributed throughout in a laterite- rich deposit of sandy gravel and clay. Another gem deposit of interest is near Olz- lzampitiya in the province of Uva. This deposit is very similar in appearance to those in the Rat- napura district. It is well known for its large pro- duction of hessonite garnet.

About three years ago, gem-bearing deposits were discovered in the Tissamaharama area (also called the Kataragama area) in Southern Province. The major localities are Amarawewa, about 10 lzm from Tissamaharama in the direction of Ka- taragama; and Kochipadana, about 5 k m east of Kataragama. In this region, gem minerals occur in alluvial deposits at a depth of about 1 m.

Although certain areas in Sri Lanka may be wetter than others, it is usually not difficult to visit the various gem-mining districts. The trav- eler is advised, however, to ask the assistance of the State Gem Corporation in arranging a guide, a necessity for every foreigner and particularly so for the first-time visitor. The author was cau- tioned to exercise some care when visiting the Elahera district, but his personal experience with the people there was very good.


Gem mining in Sri Lanlza is primitive. Usually, pits are dug to the depth of the gem-bearing gravel layer. Depending on the level of the groundwater, and on whether the area is wet or dry, some method of drainage is used. The pits are strength- ened with wooden bulwarks to avoid caving. The workers are protected from the sun by a thatched roof

It is not unusual for some of the deeper pits to extend a short tunnel from the bottom, although such a tunnel is dangerous, especially in wet areas like the Ratnapura district. In this area, pits vary in depth from 5 to 15 m. The gem rough is very rounded, which indicates either intensive rolling or long transport.

In the Elahera area, the depth of the gem-bear- ing gravel ranges from about 3 to 9 m. Mining is less complicated than in the Ratnapura district because this part of Sri Lanlza is very dry. Al- though the gem minerals in the laterite-rich de- posits are rounded only slightly, distinct, well- developed crystal faces are seldom seen.

In the Tissamaharama area, not only is the material rounded only very little, but many spec- imens (in particular, corundum and tourmaline) have well-developed crystal faces (figure 3). It is apparent that these crystals have been trans- ported by nature a considerably shorter distance than gem minerals found elsewhere in Sri Lanlza, which suggests that their original source is rela- tively close.

In all of the gem deposits, the gem-bearing gravel, which is locally called illam, is placed in baskets that are usually hoisted up from the pit by means of a rope. Large quantities of this illam are heaped near the pit.

To wash the gravel, the worker stands waist deep in muddy water, shaking and rotating a cone shaped, plaited basket (figure 4). Recovery rates are thought to be quite high with this method. In a short time, most of the mud is washed away, and the larger pebbles, most often opaque or translucent, are picked out and thrown away. After further swirling, the washed gravel, which is locally called dullam, is examined for gem- quality material by the supervisor; in most cases, this is the owner of the mine.


Cutting is done by means of a wooden apparatus that has a horizontal axis and a vertical wheel at one end. The axle can be rotated with a cord that is moved to and fro with one hand while the stone is pressed against the wheel with the other (figure 5). Commonly, stones faceted in Sri Lanlza are very irregular) as can be seen in figure 6) which represents a parcel of Sri Lanlzan gems. With the emphasis on cutting for size rather than sym- metry, much of the material is spoiled. For this reason) many stones cut in Sri Lanlza are not suit- able for sale in other countries without recutting. Some years ago! machine cutting was intro- duced, mainly through the influence of the State Gem Corporationl and is now becoming very pop- ular. It is a significant move in the right direction.


Without doubt) blue sapphire is the most impor- tant gemstone found in Sri Lanka (figure 7). It is important not only commerciallyl but also for its unique beauty! especially its fine color. Although blue sapphire is found in a number of places in Sri Lanlza, the occurrence at Ralzwana in the Ratna- pura district is particularly importantl while the Tissamaharama area also promises to become a major source. A millzy-white variety, suitable for treatment to obtain a fine blue color, is called "geudal' (Gunaratne) 198 1).

The red corundum, or 'lCeylonll ruby) is fairly common in most of the gem-bearing areas, but its color is never as saturated as that of the Burmese ruby. In fact) ruby from Sri Lanlza tends to be pinlz rather than red.

Sri Lanlza is one of the few sources for yellow sapphires (figure 8). They occur primarily in Bal- angoda. These stones typically range in hue from very pale to dark yellow. Some orange stones are occasionally seen as well. Deep-orange corun- dum) with the d'colorof the sunriseI1'is rare) and, therefore) highly prized. The name "padparad- scha" has been applied to these rare stones. Star corundum is common in Sri Lanlza. Such stones occur in different colorsl but bluish grey) pale violet) and millzy white are most common. Star rubies and star sapphires of fine color are rare, but some important pieces have appeared (figure 9).

Another important Sri Lanlzan gem is chry- soberyl, especially the rare varieties alexandrite and cat's-eye. Good qualities of both varieties are scarce) and hence highly prized. Most alexan- drites are rather clear and light greenj their color range is moderate. The best cat's-eyes have ahoney-brown color, a sharp whitish chatoyancy, and are truly fine gemstones. Yellow to brown chrysoberyls also occur in Sri Lanka.

Among the garnets, two varieties are com- mon: (11 a member of the pyrope-almandite se- ries, and (2) the orange-brown grossulart lznown by its variety name hessonite. The pyrope- almandite garnet has the characteristic rose-red color of iirhodolite,ti intermediate between py- rope and almandite, with a magnesium content that is higher than its iron content. Hessonite is mainly found in the southeastern part of the is- land, near Okkampitiya and Kataragama in particular.

Spinel occurs in different colors, especially purplish red and dark greenish blue. Iron-rich, dark green spinel from Sri Lanlza is called ceylonite or pleonast, while a zinc-rich, blue spinel with the name gahno-spinel is also a typical Sri Lankan gemstone. Over the last four years, interest in spi- nels has increased enormously.

Although many colored gemstones in Sri Lanlza are called tourmaline, this mineral seems to oc- cur here in brown only and, in fact, is much less common than generally thought. Most so- called tourmalines are zircons which occur in many colorsi such as reddish browni yellow- brown, light to dark green, and olive green. The "low-typeii zircons all have a green colori which may be considered characteristic for zircons from Sri Lanka.

Rather common are some quartz varieties such as rock crystal, amethyst, rose quartzi smolzy quartzi and cat's-eye quartz. Stars occur mainly in rose-colored and greyish material; the asterism is caused by included sillimanite (Woensdrecht et al., 1980).

The island is one of the few sources of gem- quality moonstone (figure 10). Stones with a fine blue sheen are now rare. Although the south- western part of Sri Lanlza, especially Meetiyagodal is famous for this variety of feldspar! the mineral is also found in the Tissamaharama area.

Yellowish and colorless varieties of topaz oc- cur in the Ratnapura district. ln comparison with topaz froin other co~intries~the Sri Lanlzan stones in general are not very attractive and! therefore! are less important.


Unsual gems also occur in conjunction with the commercially important stones in several locali- ties. Some of these! in fact! have not been found outside Sri Lanlza and may be considered ex- tremely Iare.

Andalusite is occasionally found in the Rat- napura district and may be discovered in parcels of cut lltourmalinesllbecause its hardness is very similar to that of tourmaline and zircon (which, as mentioned above! also appears in such parcels). Andalusite may be ~ecognizedby its extremely strong pleochroism in greenish-brown and red stones.

Apatite is one of the principal minerals in a carbonatite from Eppawala, which lies about 65 lznl northwest of Elahera. Brownish crystals up to about 1 m in length have been found! but they usually are not of gein quality. Some greenish to bluish-green apatites are found in Eheliyagoda and Balangoda; those found in the Ratnapura dis- trict are often of cutting quality.

In 19611 a new metamict mineral from Sri Lanlza was mentioned in the literature for the first time [Gubelinl 1961). It was named elzanite in honor of Mr. F. L. D. Ekanayake, a gemologist in Sri Lanka at that time. Elzanite turned out to be extremely rare! and cut stones are encountered only occasionally. Thus far! Sri Lanlza is the only lznown source of this calcium-thorium silicate. lolite (cordierite) is not an important jewelry gemstone! since its properties are very low! but it is an attractive stone for collectors. It is very common in the cordierite-gneisses that outcrop at many places throughout the island! but gem- quality material is found only in the Ratnapura district. It is usually called "water sapphire1' by the local inhabitants. Its very strong dichroism may be observed with the naked eye; the yellow is characteristic and unlznown in blue sapphire. Some years agol lzornerupine was regularly discovered in lltourmalinell parcels. Most often! the stone is green! but frequently some brown stones can be seen together with the green. About five years ago, cat's-eye lzornerupine came on the market in Sri Lanka (Korevaar and Zwaan! 1977). Today! these cat's-eyes are considered commonl although large stones are rare. They are said to originate in the Galle district! while the green stones without chatoyancy are from the Ratna- pura district and from Matale in Central Province. Sillimanite, or fibrolite! with a light blue color occasionally occurs in the Deniyaya district near Ralzwana. A large gem-quality piece! recently found in Balangoda! is now in the collection of the State Gem Corporation.

A rare gem mineral that occurs at different places in the Ratnapura district is sinhalite, a magnesium-aluminum borate. Its properties bear some resemblance to those of peridotl and! in factl many brown "peridotsl' in old collections have been identified as sinhalites on close examina- tion. The material was described as a new mineral in 1952 (Claringbull and Heyl 1952). The stone may vary from almost colorless through light yel- low to dark brown with increasing iron content. Although sphene (or titanite) was mentioned many years ago as a possible gemstone from Sri Lanlza (Giibelin! 1968)! only very recently was gem-quality sphene reported from the Tissama- harama area (Zwaan and h p s , 1980; Zwaanl 19811. Because of its high optical propertiesl sphene is very attractive; yellow and brown are the predom- inant colors in sphene from Sri Lanlza.

A pale violet mineral/ taaffeite, is found very rarely in parcels of spinel; it has similar properties but a distinct birefringence. Taaffeite was named in honor of its discoverer/ C o ~ i n tTaaffe of D ~ i b l i n ~ Ireland (Andersont 1952).Thus far/ only about 10 specimens have been reported; their exact sourcel somewhere in Sri Lanlza/ has not been identified.

Other ~lnusualgemstones are regularly seen/ for instancel a pale green spod~lmenefrom the Tissainaharama area (Zwaan) 1982). lt is very lilzely that other rare or remarlzable gemstones will be fo~indin view of the complex geology and mineralization of the island's basement roclzs.


Examination by the author of the ii~clusioi~sin different gemstones from Sri Lanlza showed some of them to be characteristic of the locality/ as de- scribed below.

With regard to solid inclusions/ needle-lilze ru- tile crystals are often seen in almandite garnet [figure l l ) / sapphire/ and other gemstones. The needles are arranged in three directions/ malzing angles of a b o ~ ~ t6W with each otherj they ~ ~ s ~ ~ a l l y are very long and run thro~lghthe whole stone. These rutile inclusions often give a sillzy appear- ance to the stone) and they are responsible for as- terism in many varieties of cor~lndum.

Coarse-grained rutile also occurs in various garnets and may be present in cat's-eye lzorneru- pine. Most often) the r~ltilehas no distinct crystal faces) has a blaclz colorl and shows a high metallic luster. In 1964) the a ~ ~ t h o rexamined large idiomorphic crystals in a b l ~ i espinel from the Ratnapura district (figire12) which were found to be apatite (Zwaan/ 1965). Since then/ apatite crys- tals/ formerly thought to be quartz crystalsl are now recognized in garnet/ c o r ~ i n d ~ l i n ~and spinel. They seein to be diagnostic of the Sri Lanlzan or- igin of these species.

Inclusions of zircon crystals/ s~lrroundedby halos/ are also very common in different gein- stones) especially in garnet and corundum.

Hessonite garnets from Sri Lanlza character- istically contain numerousI somewhat ro~inded crystal inclusions (figure 13) of both diopside and apatite. This occurrence is not strange because both are calcium minerals/ as is hessonite garnet. Liquid incl~~sions/resembling thumbprints and often called liq~lidfeathers/ are characteristic in many gemstones from Sri Lanlza! including the corundums (figure 14). Both these solid and liquid inclusions are of great importance when the origin of a gemstone has to be talzen into consideration. From the au- thor's investigationsl they seem to be character- istic for Sri Lanlzan gemstones.


As recently as the beginning of this century! little information was available on the amount and value of the gem material produced in Sri Lanlza. Gem mining was thought to be limited to the Ratnapura district and the area near Galle. Not until 1923 was the discovery of good-quality ma- terial in Pelmadulla reported. But precise figures were impossible to obtain.

Even today! reliable figures are not available because many private miners sell their stones il- legally to foreign buyers. During the author's first visitl in 19.58)he was told that the annual figures reported by the government represented only about 10% of the real production. To provide some idea of the quantities involved during this period! in his 1965-1966 Administration Report, the director of the Geological Survey of Ceylon stated that exports of all types of gemstones amounted to a little over 611000 ct. These export figures were! however! only from customs returns. With the establishment of the State Gem Cor- poration [SGC) in the early 1970s [both to im- prove the country's gem industry and to help curb the large-scale smuggling of gems)! the export fig- ures improved considerably. In 1971) before the SGC had talzen controlJ total sales of 3.4 million

Rs (1982 exchange: approximately 8 rupees per U.S. dollar) were reported. By 1973, after the SGC had established itself! the figure had ballooned to 152.9 million Rsl with a total production of 478!000 ct of material. The most recent figure available to this author! for 1975) was 188.9 mil- lion Rs. in gem exports. One can only assume that. this number will continue to rise as the SGC fur- thers its efforts both to give some guidance to the gem industry and to search for new gem-bearing deposits.


Sri Lanlza is one of the most important sources in the world as far as the number of different gem- stones it produces is concerned. It is remarlzable that no explanation can be given as to where these gem minerals were formed originallyl because they are all found in alluvial deposits.

The island consists almost entirely of Precam- brian roclzsl which may be divided into three groups: the Highland group! the Vijayan complexl and the Southwest group. Although gem minerals occur in different rocks of these series! few are of gem quality.

Historicallyl the most important gem-bearing area is the Ratnapura district in Sabaragamuwa Province. The gem minerals are concentrated in more-or-less horizontal levels at different depths in the alluvium. Similar deposits are found near Elahera! near Olzlzampitiya~and in the Tissama- harama area.

Mining methods are still primitivel as are the ways of washing and cutting the material. Ma- chine cutting has been introducedl though! and significant improvements are anticipated, Very recently some machines were brought in to help with mining in the Balangoda areaj in Pelmad- ulla! in particularl tunneling and river dredging for gems may be seen. Another mechanized min- ing project is going on in Samanalawewa at the moment. It may be expected that mining meth- ods will be modernized rapidly! resulting in an enormous increase in the annual production. Blue sapphire! ruby! yellow sapphirel and al- exandrite and cat's-eye chrysoberyl are among the most important gemstones found in Sri Lanlza. Also found in quantity are some garnets! spinel! and several varieties of quartz. A number of more unusual gemstones have also occurred in Sri Lanlza. In fact! cats-eye lzornerupine is now very common.

Typical inclusions in Sri Lankan gemstones are long, needle-shaped rutile crystals, arranged in three directions, that often cause a silky luster and are common in pyrope-almandite garnet and in corundum. Apatite crystals are often seen in garnet, corundum, and spinel, while zircon crys- tals surrounded by halos are also very common in garnet and corundum as well as in other Sri Lan- kan gems. Finally, liquid feathers are character- istic of many Sri Lanlzan gcmstones.

Although production figures are not always reliable, they seem to be rising significantly now that the State Gem Corporation is supervising the industry. The efforts of the State Gem Corpora- tion will undoubtedly result in the discovery of new gem-bearing deposits, as the country's sup- ply of fine materials seems inexhaustable.